Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Tombstone Tuesday - Joshua Smith

Today's Tombstone Tuesday features Joshua Smith. This one is a big deal to me. I have long suspected that my Smith line was descended from Joshua but I had no way to prove it until I had my DNA tested. I still hope to learn more about this family but for now I'll share what I know.

Joshua Smith was born July 23, 1812 in Newberry, South Carolina. This is fascinating because I have several unrelated ancestors who all came from Newberry. I wonder if they at one time new each other. What would they have said if they were told that their descendants would one day all be connected? Joshua's parents were probably James Smith and Sarah Teague. This conclusion comes from them having come from the same area at the same time as Joshua. 

Joshua and his wife, Nettie Jane Beeks were among the first settlers of Pontotoc County, MS. They had nine children. 
1850 U.S. Census

Their fifth child, Francis, is my second great-grandfather.  Joshua died on July 5, 1880. He is buried in Cherry Creek Cemetery.

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