
All services start with a free consultation. 


Basic Tree Package - 5 Generation tree* and a printable file in pdf format. $50

Deluxe Tree Package - 6 Generation tree* and printable file in pdf format. $75

Other Services:

Genetic Genealogy - I will use your Ancestry DNA results to create your family tree, solve a family mystery or find living relatives. Results vary. $150 retainer required. Price varies.

Lineage and Historic Society Research - I will try to get documented proof of bloodline required for membership in a lineage or historical society of your choice. Results vary. $150 retainer required. Price varies. 

Add Ons:

Photos -  Your family photos added to your tree - $20

Standard Research-  $12 per hour

* Results may vary. I will do everything I can to provide the information promised but sometimes it is just not available. If this is the case, I will add more generations on another line or other information desired by the client.