Monday, April 30, 2018

Visits, Photos and Stories

I spent this past weekend at my parents' home in Tupelo. While I was there I got to visit with both of my mom's aunts on the Williams-Plunkett line, a cousin on the Spearman-Smith line and one of my dad's aunts. It was a busy weekend but I was able to get over 200 old family photos (plus some that no one knows who is in them) and many wonderful old family stories. I can't wait to share them! For now though I'll just share this one photo and the note that was on the back. I have no idea who the children are, maybe one day I will find out, but for until then it is a fun picture.

 There are two children in a goat-cart. (Get it?) I love how "royal" the goat looks. The house number is 1258, that could be a clue. And there is a woman inside the door to the house.

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