Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Palatine Trails

At the end of the 17th century and beginning of the 18th century the Holy Roman Empire was involved in several wars throughout the European Continent that would eventually lead to its end. The wealthy region of the Middle Rhine was repeatedly invaded by French troops during these wars. This along with famine caused many farmers to flee. The group moved around the British Isles and Colonies for a few years for many political and economical reason. This group of immigrants became known as Palatines even though only a small part of them were from the Palatinate.

Christoph de Graffenried, 1st Baron of Berberg, was a Swiss nobleman who, in 1710, assisted the immigration and helped establish colonies in North Carolina for the large number of Palatine and Swiss who came to North America. About 100 Swiss and 600 Palatines left Europe for this new colony. Many of these immigrants died during the journey and even more died during wars with the Native Americans during 1712-1715. Luckily for me, Joseph Granade and his son, John (b. 1695) survived all of these trials and made it to the New Bern Colony.

Joseph Granade was born about 1676 in what is modern day Switzerland and immigrated in 1710. His grandson, John Adam Granade (b.1715) is recognized by the Daughters of the American Revolution for his contribution to the war effort.  Joseph Granade's many descendants are spread across the United States.

For more information on the Palatine immigration I recommend these sources: